Taxidermy = DEATH

I have an extreme fear of taxidermy. That's right taxidermy! It absolutely terrifies me to where I can't breathe, move, or do anything for that matter but put my head down and cry. I did not realize how bad my fear actually was until a recent family vacation where it was everywhere(it's quite a sad story that if you ask I will tell you). Anyways, today me and my friend Karen were walking around the mall looking for a senior memory book that we could buy instead of spending a fortune on one from school, so we checked out places like Hallmark and Things Remembered to see if they had any. Everyone of the stores has the cute little puppy and kitty things that are kind of like taxidermy but not because they are cute. I wasn't real thrilled that they were everywhere but they didn't bother me like actually taxidermy. So out of fear I would extend my hand and pet their heads no prob! This went on for the first two stores and then we came to a store that was like Hallmark but not Hallmark and they were there again but this time as I reached out the stomach area moved as if it was breathing. I pulled my hand out of there as fast as I could, jumped back, and nearly cried. At the same time my friend Karen is dying because she is laughing so hard. I reach out to conquer my fears and taxidermy strikes again. That's it, I'm finished with that. No more trying to overcome my fear. I'm done.
haha stace,
You and your fear. I guess you can never come over again unless we take bucky down. I was really tempted to put yo at the end of that.
<3 Tasha
p.s- we eat our ice cubes with spoons.
I used to have a really extreme fear of taxidermy as well. It's a weird phobia to have, but you aren't alone. I worked on it over the years, and I can at least be in the same room with a deer head without freaking out now... as long as it isn't right behind me.
I've been through hypnotherapy and seen a psychiatrist with this phobia. It makes no sense, but a taxidermic sighting (particularly deer & moose) fills me with panic. I then regain composure and just look the other way (don't mind the beads of sweat). It helps when I visit a known place with them to "desensitize" myself. Hope it works on my trip to Alaksa!
You are in good company. I have had a fear of Taxidermy since I was 3. I have worked over the years to desensitize myself and have been very successful with all types of animals except for Buffalo heads. They still bother me. I can usually deal with them, if they are not too close, and there are not more than 2. More than two buffalo heads and I am going to be standing outside of the shop/restaurant.
i have this fear also. but what is the actual name of it?? but hang in there i can only handle it in small doses
I have had this fear since I was eight or so... don't know why. In fact I used to live in a house filled with heads. One day it just hit me I suppose. I can handle ducks and fish, but deer and other animal heads on the walls freak me out. It doesn't make much sense since I help my dad gut deer every hunting season...
Wow. I have the same deathly *haha* fear and I didn't fully realize it under I went to the Northern Plains on a family vacation where they are ever-y-where! I had a real bad experience once in which there was a giant buffalo and a big horn sheep in the middle of a store and my mom forced me to pose for a couple pictures in between them...while I was on the verge of crying and pleading "no." That was the summer of 9th grade and now I'm a senior in college...I still will *not* go into a room with taxidermy animals. And to think I want to live in the Northern Plains...
I also have shared this fear since I was five years old. I am now 18 and it has only gotten worse. Please join my Facebook group: People with a Phobia of Taxidermy. I want to talk with all of you because there are so many of us who have this fear and we are the only ones who understand it.
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