Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Wow! It has been a long time since I have been on here. I have been wrapped up with anti-blogspots myspace and facebook. I have concluded that I am technology deficient (and a horrible speller, I had to sound both of the words out) since I could not for the life of me figure out how to put a simple background on myspace. I left you all (7 faithful blog viewers) with my Black Friday list and I find it very important for people to not only read that list but study because that is the real world my friends. No more Mr. Nice Guy every man or woman for themself.
Since then many things that I know call "It only happens to me" moments have occurred lets start us off with the big shabang... While playing cards with my family I was joking about flashing gang signs and did the fake guns at my grandma when she up and gave me "the bird" yes thats right my grandma flipped me off.(Background on the woman I like to call G-mama: she is 4"11 or so, weighs less than my thigh, and cant remember the simplest thing)
I went to Jenn's house to put up her Christmas tree and decorate the outside. I now have a greater appreciation for people who put up their lights in July because about 3 weeks later my toes finally defrosted and the internal temperature of my Rocket Dogs got to about 40 degrees. We heard cows in Rock Island--for those who dwell outside of Sherrard it is apparently strange to hear that sound at night time. Granted we were in Rock Island. We went to see the infamous the Glowstick of House due to too many Christmas decorations and I seen the lady. We told her that we loved her decor and woosh Scrooge appeared in the night. She lost all the Christmas cheer that was expressed through the 19 blowup toys in the yard and gave us simple answers. I would just like to say i was very displeased.
I made a fool of myself in a major production of Creative Christmas. Thanks to some excellent editing I didnt look like a huge fool but I still looked ridiculous.
I have more but since most of you are either slowly falling farther down your seat or you have already quit reading and just skipped to the comments, I will leave the rest for a different time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh staci
don't worry..i don't even have a myspace so you are ahead of me. That thing about your gram is hilarious.. I haven't seen since like 7th grade at a band concert. Also, I love rocket dogs and watching creative christmas 439 times. oh ya and i loved your sherrard comment.. oh how I love our cornfields and tractors. this is really long.


9:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wish i could use the word love a little more in that comment

9:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Stac...I love you and your grandma!


5:44 AM  

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