"Only Me" moment #276...and #277
#276--Because of my job, church activities, and other random duties I have to do throughout the week I hardly am able to eat with my family for supper. Monday night was a rare occurance where I was home for supper, so my dad made one of my favorite meals. He had hollered that it was ready so I closed out whatever I was doing on the computer an dheaded for the kitchen. Kelli had already gotten her plate leaving me second place in line(out of 3). Not a problem except for she had unknowingly dropped a green bean onto the floor. I stepped on it and burnt my foot. That's right I burnt my foot on a vegetable not just any vegetable a green bean. #277--In the past 48 hours I have slept 29 hours. Crazy! I might be getting sick but seriously that has left me with (hang on while I grab my calculator) 19 hours for other things. That is a freakish amount of sleeping time.**Author's note** I realize this seems like a fairly low number of "Only Me'' moments for one to have in a lifetime and that's because...it is. I would guess this would be about a 2 week span. I will try to publish the painful moments from my past (a.k.a. Pool Attack and Camp Karaoke) as time continues to heal.
oh staci
you are hilarious...i'm glad we have been friends for a decade and three years or something like that. I'm pretty sure that the pool attack story should be told next not just because I was there but honestly who does that happen to? That is if you can stand reliving it again.
oh you are very funny. yes...you are
and it is snowing outside and 6-10 dear just ran through my yard...and it is beautiful.
glad you liked the blog and yes we definitely do need to hang out sometime! can you say starbucks stawberries and cream frappucino???
and....i like the nickname...as long as it can become the great 8 and the fine 9 and the stupen...dous 10...and so on as the group gets larger and doesn't become exclusive. im excited to see where God is going to take our youth group if we truly let him move in our hearts like we say we will.
finally, you are great
but nice to know that others have random only me moments like burning your foot on a lone green bean.....i must say staci, seriously, are you sure this is possible?
sorry i could not assist you in your boredom the other day but i was off to get my chain yanked...literally. i hate braces!
viva la mexico!
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