Taxidermy = DEATH

I have an extreme fear of taxidermy. That's right taxidermy! It absolutely terrifies me to where I can't breathe, move, or do anything for that matter but put my head down and cry. I did not realize how bad my fear actually was until a recent family vacation where it was everywhere(it's quite a sad story that if you ask I will tell you). Anyways, today me and my friend Karen were walking around the mall looking for a senior memory book that we could buy instead of spending a fortune on one from school, so we checked out places like Hallmark and Things Remembered to see if they had any. Everyone of the stores has the cute little puppy and kitty things that are kind of like taxidermy but not because they are cute. I wasn't real thrilled that they were everywhere but they didn't bother me like actually taxidermy. So out of fear I would extend my hand and pet their heads no prob! This went on for the first two stores and then we came to a store that was like Hallmark but not Hallmark and they were there again but this time as I reached out the stomach area moved as if it was breathing. I pulled my hand out of there as fast as I could, jumped back, and nearly cried. At the same time my friend Karen is dying because she is laughing so hard. I reach out to conquer my fears and taxidermy strikes again. That's it, I'm finished with that. No more trying to overcome my fear. I'm done.