"Only Me" moment #276...and #277
#276--Because of my job, church activities, and other random duties I have to do throughout the week I hardly am able to eat with my family for supper. Monday night was a rare occurance where I was home for supper, so my dad made one of my favorite meals. He had hollered that it was ready so I closed out whatever I was doing on the computer an dheaded for the kitchen. Kelli had already gotten her plate leaving me second place in line(out of 3). Not a problem except for she had unknowingly dropped a green bean onto the floor. I stepped on it and burnt my foot. That's right I burnt my foot on a vegetable not just any vegetable a green bean. #277--In the past 48 hours I have slept 29 hours. Crazy! I might be getting sick but seriously that has left me with (hang on while I grab my calculator) 19 hours for other things. That is a freakish amount of sleeping time.**Author's note** I realize this seems like a fairly low number of "Only Me'' moments for one to have in a lifetime and that's because...it is. I would guess this would be about a 2 week span. I will try to publish the painful moments from my past (a.k.a. Pool Attack and Camp Karaoke) as time continues to heal.